Every track from the upcoming tribute album “James,” all bundled up in an extended episode of The Y’Alternative. Love ya.

New music from American Elm, Big Bad Johns, Anne Castellano and the Smoke, Frank Critelli, Calvin Decutlass, Joe Flood, The Furors, Andy Gundell, The Jellyshirts, The Johnnybirds, Shandy Lawson, The Lost Riots, Anne Marie Menta, Christine Ohlman and Jim Chapdelaine, A Pallet for the Shoal, Jon Peckman, Reale Wolfe, Stephen Peter Rodgers, Kris Santala, Lys Guillorn and Ponybird, The Sawtelles, Barbara Korine Shepard, Brian Slattery, Bop Tweedie, Shellye Valauskas and Dean Falcone. Not even kidding.