By Fran FriedCygnus Radio, Franorama 2.020/20, Beth Peabody, Bob Dylan, Bush Tetras, Cheap Cassettes, Cosmic Criminals, Cygnus Radio, Etta James, Fran Fried, Franorama 2.0, Gene Marshall, Hank Williams, Jimmy Carter, max romeo, Miss Georgia Peach, Ramones, Rattanson, Sugar Pie DeSanto, The Allman Brothers Band, The Dogs, The Fleshtones, The Golliwogs, The Isley Brothers, The Mold Monkies, The Mummies, The Pist, The Tomboys, U2, Willie Nelson,, Zoo Front
In memory of Jimmy. Also, preparing for the shitstorm three weeks from now, plus a bunch of new toys I hadn’t unwrapped yet.