Episode #8
Site: The Outer Space
Visit Date: 4/01/17
Air Date: 4/04/17
OK, here’s the story: G.Gone and I (Frank Critelli) would visit a brewery in Connecticut on the last Saturday of every month. Then, we would go back to the studio to record a show about it.
Well, I got a job on Saturdays now…at one of the best beer bars in the state! So, G came to see me at The Outer Space. He had a flight and a pint, and we went back to the studio to talk about it and play some music from the upcoming schedule at The Outer Space.
That’s it in a nutshell!
This is it in a nutshell!
The Swaggerts – American Beer
Someone You Can X-Ray – Medicine
Miracle Legion – Storyteller (Live ’16)
The Backyard Committee – It Makes No Difference (Live ’14)
We’ll be back next month with some more malted musings and music, Tune in!