Category Archives: The Allison Transmission

the Allison Transmission 12.14.23

‘must be thursday…never could get the hang of thursdays’ … and yet the transmission persists…with the help of the bulging musical protuberance that is the wayback machine…reale-ity radio reggae stylee …and random daily oddments. rub some mildly weird on your thursday. oooooh, that feels good. the allison transmission-made fresh daily Thursday Morning Giles Giles

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the Allison Transmission 12.07.23

recent estimates imagine that there are one sextillion — a billion trillions — of habitable planets in the universe. certainly there should be an audience out there somewhere ready for today’s transmission. still, if not, we remind ourself , this sonic space cowboy wrangles for himself first. giddyup the allison transmission-made fresh daily When

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