Cygnus Radio On Demand
Missed a show? No problem! Recently aired shows are archived for your convenience. Neil Young – Field of OpportunityReale Wolfe – I’m Not Standing StillReverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band – Looking For A MangerFrank Viele – Hearts We Left BehindHorsebath – Another FarewellCharley Crockett – Lonesome DrifterChatham Rabbits – Childhood FriendsDakota Ray Parker – Rebel on the RunMiss Tess – LouisianaLoretta Lynn – Hey LorettaThe Statler Brothers
the transmission is like the can at the supermarket without a label…maybe it’s beans, maybe it’s processed meat products. what’s in it ? maybe a bit of frank and lamar, if youre lure lucky you just won’t know till you open the damn thing. the allison transmission-made fresh daily [
HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY! And just effing listen, ok? It’s Eddie Wazoo, Live From The Underground Basement, every Tuesday at 3:00 Eastern, right after Dennis Lamar in The Back Room, or anytime on-demand, at! Oh, and as always, Certified 100% Shaggs-free!
There’s a Trade War in The Backroom, with tariffs and odes to steel, aluminum, lumber, and the blue collar trades. Illustration credit: Joanna Andreasson.
with all the tunes in the world available, why choose these? with the history of music at hand, why start here?…and then play that? one thing i can tell you is that algorithms have nothing to do with it…focus groups either. it’s just the sound of one dj spinning. now you know who to blame
Musings on Presidents Day and other musical amusements from Roger Catlin.
why do a show everyday? (I’m not ever asked) well, as a proof of life, is my answer and as a way of telling one day from another in a daily mess of temporal incoherence…. and because music is a miracle and we all need a miracle everyday, y’know the allison transmission-made fresh daily cygnusradio
Benny Gordon & The Soul Brothers, Hang On SloopyManfred Mann, Tired Of Trying Bored Of Living Scared Of DyingEddy Best, Things I Should’ve SaidPaul Collins Beat, It’s A Matter Of TimeThin Lizzy, Rise And Dear Demised Of The Funky Nomadic TribesBintangs, Traveling In The USAFamily, Hey Mr. PolicemanMick Greenwood, To The SeaSensational Alex Harvey Band,
It’s a musical valentine chock full of Homegrown — The Connecticut Connected Music Show — with Robbie DeRosa. Artists include Dan Stevens, Anne Marie Menta, Creamery Station, Drop Pony, Eddie Seville, Coconuts, Fjord Pony, The Barn Rats, and Jellyshirts (from the forthcoming cd James, a tribute to James Velvet).
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